Rain, +3°C, freezing cold wind... and I had to walk through all the mess for 1 hour (to and back from school)! Dx
This kind of weather get´s me really pissed. My hair does frizz, my Make-up is getting washed out easily, and my clothes feel moist which makes me freeze until I`m shaking. x__X
I only survived today´s classes with the help of a hot tea vendor... xD"
I would have preferred snow... when the first snow is falling, I get this sweet christmas feeling! But now... 1st advent is coming this Sunday already, but no single snowflake yet! That´s so unusual for my city! Dx
I was in need of cheering myself up so much. =/
So me and my classmate got those sweet little cupcake´s at a McCafé during lunch break! x3
Believe it or not, I´ve never been to a McCafé before - I didn´t even know that they´re selling such cute little cakes! D:
In general... I didn´t visit McDonalds for about 2 years. When it comes to fastfood, I definately prefer chinese food or sushi... yum yum. x3
Those are the babies. :´D
Guess which one´s mine...
The pink one of course! x3
It´s strawberry taste! The other one is vanilla taste. =)
They were really yummie - but so hard to eat without any fork! xD" (Even though, somehow I managed to NOT stain my white sweater - yay of the day. xD")
It´s such a sweet, sweet life, isn´t it?
This kind of weather get´s me really pissed. My hair does frizz, my Make-up is getting washed out easily, and my clothes feel moist which makes me freeze until I`m shaking. x__X
I only survived today´s classes with the help of a hot tea vendor... xD"
I would have preferred snow... when the first snow is falling, I get this sweet christmas feeling! But now... 1st advent is coming this Sunday already, but no single snowflake yet! That´s so unusual for my city! Dx
I was in need of cheering myself up so much. =/
So me and my classmate got those sweet little cupcake´s at a McCafé during lunch break! x3
Believe it or not, I´ve never been to a McCafé before - I didn´t even know that they´re selling such cute little cakes! D:
In general... I didn´t visit McDonalds for about 2 years. When it comes to fastfood, I definately prefer chinese food or sushi... yum yum. x3
Those are the babies. :´D
Guess which one´s mine...
The pink one of course! x3
It´s strawberry taste! The other one is vanilla taste. =)
They were really yummie - but so hard to eat without any fork! xD" (Even though, somehow I managed to NOT stain my white sweater - yay of the day. xD")
It´s such a sweet, sweet life, isn´t it?